SIMOR Assets Monitoring Platform

High performance and scalability

resulting from modular and flexible architecture.

General Features


Configuration of Correlation Rules with generation of virtual parameters re-injection into the System.


Processes for detecting anomalous behavior patterns into the infrastructure.

Multi Thresholds

They allow us the generation of events of different severities for different values or discrete states of the same variable.

Battery Bank Test System

Module that allows the generation of battery bank test processes interacting with rectifier controllers.

Online Reports/ Processing

Online analysis of variables with generation of Reports / Indicators.

Alarms Windows

Web interface (laptops / cell phones) for active alarms with customizable filters per user (region, location, equipment, technology, variables, criticality level),

Multivendor Solution

Coexistence with Operation Support Systems / Telco Processes / Data Center


  • Inventory Reports
  • Batteries Analysis
  • Energy Consumption
  • Generator set in operation
  • Temperature/ Humidity
  • Network Downs
  • Phase Failures
  • Power Histogram
  • Trend Analysis
  • PUE Calculation / Energy Efficiency
  • Virtual Billing Calculation
  • Analytics (Search for anomalous behavior patterns)

ROI (Return Of Investment)

  • Virtual Billing (improvement of consumption control avoiding penalties from distributors).
  • PUE calculation / Energy efficiency (comparison with recommended standards, allowing analysis of deviations and possible causes).
  • Control Loads / Fuel Theft (control of real consumption, supplier loads and fuel theft from Generator Sets).
  • Passive/active calculation of Battery Bank Autonomy (reduction in on-site discharge tests, improvement in the effectiveness of the replacement process, improvement in losses due to services not provided)
  • Analytics (Identification of abnormal behavior patterns / increase in the useful infrastructure life).
  • Remote Commands: (reduction of physical interventions in places).
  • Trend Analysis / Power Histogram (improved planning).